How they were all in the same mud but each felt differently.

He fell into a puddle

and dirt gripped him from all around,

A law student likes to stay neat

first thing went home, washed his clothes and cleaned his feet.

He was in the puddle

a car ran away after painting his shirt brown,

he cussed the driver fiercely

his face marked a big frown.

He was pushed into a puddle

and those boys screamed and laughed.

the mud was innocent, it didn’t hurt him,

bullying did, and so did those tainted hearts.

He jumped into a puddle

pulling another three of them along!

“Mom says, Surf-excel will take care of our clothes, don’t fear that dirt!”

I suppose he sounded convincing as, “I like Earth” said another, in a song.

11 thoughts on “How they were all in the same mud but each felt differently.

  1. BunKaryudo says:

    Well, the mud’s not really the problem. It’s all about relationships, isn’t it? Being in mud voluntarily with friends is quite different from being there against your will because of your enemies.

    Actually, when I was an elementary school student, I tried to impress a girl I liked by jumping across a muddy puddle. I succeeded only in jumping right into the puddle and impressing no one — least of all my mother.


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